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Mafia 3 is out tonight - here’s when you can go merrily gangstering around New Bordeaux

Mafia 3 release time

The final, ridiculous quarter of 2016’s bumper year of blockbuster games begins tomorrow with the release of Mafia 3, kicking off a month that includes sequels to basically every major franchise that hasn’t already had one this year. We’ve got the Mafia 3 release times below, plus what to expect from us regarding a review.

One to check off the upcoming PC games list.

There’s regional locks on it, which means basically that it needs to be midnight tonight in your region before you can play.

  • For the US, this is midnight eastern time. Take an hour off for each timezone you are west of there – nice and early 9pm start for the California/Seattle crowd.
  • In the EU, it’s midnight British. That’s 1am if you’re on CEST, 2am if you’re a little further East.
  • Elsewhere, you’re best off checking the Steam page yourself. Just remember that Steam’s times are a little dodgy – if it says approx 10 hours, that’s 10 hours plus some amount of minutes. A midnight release will display as approximate two hours at 9:01pm because it is two hours and 59 minutes.

As for when you’ll see reviews and the like, we’re yet to receive code. Take that for what you will, though remember that games as good as Doom, WoW: Legion and the console version of XCOM 2 all did launch-day review code this year. We’ll have a port review to let you know the state of the PC version as soon as possible, and a proper review a few days later. We hope to have some video of the first couple of hours up next week too. That’s on our ever-growing YouTube channel.

In the mean time, the just-released launch trailer is above – who is considering a trip to the 60s this weekend?